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*Contacts: Telephone Admission
Raton Museum (505) 445-8979 Donations
Summer Hours: 9 am - 5 pm Tues-Sat Winter 10 am - 3 pm Wed-Sat
216 South First St., Raton Off-hours appointments available
Sugarite Canyon State Park (505) 445-5607 Fee
Hours: Gate open 24 Hours
NM Hwy 526
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Saint James Hotel (505) 376-2664 No Fee
617 South Collison Avenue 1-866-472-5019
Aztec Grist Mill (505) 376-2913 Fee
Hours: 9 am - 5 pm Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm
Open weekends May 1st - Memorial Day
Open Friday through Wednesday Memorial Day through Labor Day
17th Street in Cimarron (West of the St. James Hotel)
Cimarron Canyon State Park (505) 377-6271 Fee
Hours: Gate open 24 Hours
NM Hwy 64
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Philmont Scout Ranch; Kit Carson Museum (505) 376-2281 No Fee
Summer Hours: 8 am - 5 pm Daily (Mid June through mid August)
Winter Hours: Closed
To arrange group tours, or verify winter hours call (505) 376-2281 Ext 256
Seton Memorial Library/Philmont Museum (505) 376-2281 No Fee
Summer Hours: 8 am - 5 pm Daily (Memorial Day through mid August)
Winter Hours: 8 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 5 pm Monday - Saturday
Villa Philmonte tours scheduled through the Philmont Museum - Donations
Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center & Museum (505) 483-5554 Fee
Summer Hours: 10 am- 4 pm Thurs-Sunday
Winter 10 am - 4 pm Thurs - Sat
Located in downtown Springer at 614 Maxwell Avenue
Fort Union National Monument (505) 425-8025 Fee
Summer: 8 am - 6 pm Open year-round, 7 days a week
Winter: 8 am - 4 pm closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years
Northeast of Watrous on NM Hwy 161 www.nps.gov/foun/
Popular Events:
National Trails Day, Old Raton Pass - Raton
Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous - Raton
Annual Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally - Raton
Raton Rodeo - Raton
Santa Fe Trail Marathon - Raton
Visitor Information / Maps / Brochures available at:
Raton Visitor's Center (505) 445-2761 Open daily
Summer Hours: 7 am - 7 am Winter 8 am - 5 pm
Located on the corner of Clayton Rd and 2nd Street in Raton
Cimarron Visitor's Center / C of C (505) 376-2417
Summer; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursday - Monday 1-888-376-2417
Winter; 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday - Friday
104 North Lincoln Ave., Cimarron NM www.CimarronNM.com
The Springer Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 323, Springer, (505) 483-2998
Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center & Museum - Springer (see above)
Fort Union National Monument (see above)
www.raton.info -Raton www.CimarronNM.com -Cimarron
www.nenewmexico.com/recreation -Northeast Recreation Summary
www.nrawc.org - NRA Whittington Center
Storrie Lake State Park (505) 425-7278 Fee
Hours: 6 am-sunset Summer 7 am - sunset Winter
North of Las Vegas on NM 518
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or Call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Mora National Fish Hatchery (505) 387-6022 No Fee
Call for appointment & tour of the facility
North of Mora on NM Hwy 434
Cleveland Roller Mill Museum (505) 387-2645 Fee/Donation
Hours: 10 am - 3pm Open weekends Memorial Day - Labor Day
In Cleveland, east of Mora on NM Hwy 518
www.nmculture.org www.angelfire.com/folk/roller_mill
Coyote Creek State Park (505) 387-2328 Fee
Hours: Gate open 24 Hours
17 miles north of Mora on NM Hwy 434
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or Call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Morphy Lake State Park (505) 387-2328 Fee
Hours: Gate open 24 Hours in the summer
South of Mora on NM 94, east of Ledoux. Call first for road conditions!
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or Call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Victory Ranch Alpacas (505) 387-2254 Fee
Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Daily
North of Mora on NM Hwy 434
Salman Ranch & La Cueva Mill (505) 387-2900 No Fee
Summer Hours: 9-5 Daily Winter Hours: 9 - 4 Thursday - Monday
East of Mora on NM 518 Aug-Oct call for raspberry picking conditions
www.salmanraspberryranch.com (fee for picking raspberrys)
Popular Annual Events:
Cleveland Roller Millfest: Sat and Sun 10-5pm Labor Day Weekend
Cultural Encounters on the Santa Fe Trail* - Fort Union
An Evening at Fort Union* *Check at Fort Union for dates and times
Bean Day - Wagon Mound
Watrous Day - Watrous
Visitor Information / Maps / Brochures available at:
Mora Valley Tourism Office (City Library) (505) 387-6072
P.O. Box 800 Mora, NM 87732
Fort Union National Monument (see Mountain Route info)
www.NENewMexico.com/recreation - Northeast Recreation Summary
*Contacts: Telephone Admission
Palace of the Governors & Museum of New Mexico 505-476-5100 Fee
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
105 West Palace Avenue, Santa Fe
www.palaceofthegovernors.org www.museumofnewmexico.org
Closed on selected holidays 24-hour recorded message 505-827-6463
Glorieta Pass Battlefield, Pigeon Ranch and Kozlowski's Ranch Fee
Managed and administrated by the Pecos National Historical Park.
For tours, contact Pecos National Historical Park. (505) 757-6414
Pecos National Historical Park (505) 757-6414 Fee
Visitor's Center Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm 7 days a week
South of Pecos on NM Hwy 63 www.nps.gov/peco
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years
Villanueva State Park (505) 421-2957 Fee
Gate Hours: 6 am - 9 pm
South of San Miguel on NM Hwy 3
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or Call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center (505) 425-8803 Donations
Hours: 10-3 Monday-Saturday Year Round
127 Bridge Street in Las Vegas
Citizens' Committee for Historic Preservation www.nmhu.edu/research/cchp/
Rough Riders & City Museum (505) 454-1401 Ext 283 Donations
Hours: 9-12 and 1-4 Monday through Friday
727 Grand Avenue, Las Vegas
Popular Events:
Palace of the Governors Buffalo Roast & Mountain Man Rendezvous
La Fiesta de Santa Fe Santa Fe Trail Bicycle Tour to Independence MO
Civil War Weekend at Pecos National Historical Park (March)
San José del Vado Saints day San Miguel Festival
Las Vegas Fiesta (4th of July) Winterfest (February) -Las Vegas
Faces of Woman Art Exhibit (March) - Las Vegas
People's Faire (August) - Las Vegas
Places with a Past Historic Buildings Tour (August) - Las Vegas
Visitor Information / Maps / Brochures available at:
Santa Fe Visitor's Information Center
491 Old Santa Fe Trail (505) 827-7336
Hours: 8 am - 5 pm Open year-round, 7 days a week
Santa Fe Convention & Visitors Bureau
201 W. Marcy St. 1-800-777-2489
Las Vegas Visitor's Center & C of C
701 Grand Ave. (505) 425-8631 1-800-832-5947
Open: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Saturday noon - 3 pm. www.lasvegasnm.org
Las Vegas USDA Forest Service Office
1926 7th St, Las Vegas (505) 425-3534
www.pecosnewmexico.com/ - Pecos
*Contacts: Telephone Admission
McNees Crossing no call required No Fee
Located northeast of Clayton on NM Hwy 406
McNees Crossing is on private land in a pasture occupied by livestock. As long as you keep the gate closed and show due respect to the Landmark, livestock and to the property, the owner doesn't mind if you visit the crossing.
Herzstein Memorial Museum (505) 374-2977 Donation
Winter Hours:1 pm - 5 pm, Tuesday - Saturday (except holidays)
Summer Hours:10 am - 5 pm, Tuesday - Sunday (except holidays)
Corner of Second and Walnut Streets in Clayton
Clayton Lake State Park (505) 374-8808 Fee
Gate Hours: 6 am - 9 pm
Hwy NM 370
Make reservations at: www.nmparks.com or call 1-877-NM4-RSVP
Capulin Volcano National Monument (505) 278-2201 Fee
Hours: Summer 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Winter 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Hwy NM 325
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.
Folsom Museum (505) 278-2122 Fee
Hours: Summer 10 am - 5 pm and Winters by appointment (505) 278-3616
Located on Main Street in Folsom
Point of Rocks (505) 485-2473 No Fee
Hours: Daylight Hours No Reservation required
Located just off of County Rd 52 east of Springer
Located on a privately owned ranch, visitors are welcome.
Dorsey Mansion (505) 375-2222 Fee
Hours: Mon-Sat, 10 am - 4 pm, Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm.
Located on County Rd 52 east of Springer Call for Reservation
Kiowa National Grasslands & Mills Canyon (505) 374-9652 No Fee
Two locations, north of Clayton on NM 406 and SE of Springer on NM 39
USDA Forest Service Cibola National Forest
Popular Annual Events:
Dinosaur Days - Clayton
Rabbit Ear Round-Up Rodeo - Clayton
Visitor Information / Maps / Brochures available at:
Clayton Visitor's Center/Chamber of Commerce
1103 S 1st St (Hwy 87) (505) 374-9253
E-mail: cuchamber@plateautel.net 1-800-390-7858
Herzstein Memorial Museum (see above)
Folsom Museum (see above)
Capulin National Monument (see above)
www.ClaytonNewMexico.org - Clayton
www.NENewMexico.com/recreation - Northeast Recreation Summary
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